· Instead of the file opening as "www.doorway.ru" it is opening as "www.doorway.ru". Even stranger, if I cancel the download dialog box, and then try to download the file again, it will open the file as the actual page that the code is on, ie, "www.doorway.ru", the page with the above code on it. Download exe file converter to mp4 for pc for free. Multimedia tools downloads - Tipard MP4 Video Converter by Tipard Studio and many more programs are available for instant and free download. · Open your Registry (Start - Run - www.doorway.ru) And use this to create the download: If you're using the handy cfcontent trick to output as an excel file, consider using cfx_query2excel, it will write real excel files that should get you past this. It's a Java library and was worth it.
Instead of the file opening as "www.doorway.ru" it is opening as "www.doorway.ru". Even stranger, if I cancel the download dialog box, and then try to download the file again, it will open the file as the actual page that the code is on, ie, "www.doorway.ru", the page with the above code on it. The same technique works just as well with any type of content, pdf, word, excel, ectra. But whether it will open in the browser or be a download depends greatly on the user, what browser they are using, what plugins they have in that browser and how they have it configured. I'm trying to build a form so that a user can select an executable file to download from a dropdown list. filename=www.doorway.ru" cfcontent type="Application/Unknown.